Community Hall “A Lannen”


Located on the edge of a slope overlooking the town of Osweiler, the building mediates between the site and town as well as between the different programmatic needs of various groups that use the community hall for events and festivities. Partially embedded in the hillside, the building is conceived as a functional continuum consisting of the central hall for 200 people, the generously designed foyer, and the glazed front that provides a view of the site and establishes the main visual relationship towards the town. The building envelope forms a continuous interface. Its form envelops the inner cubature and responds to external conditions and requirements, such as the structural integration of a photovoltaic system for local energy production.

Client: Commune de Rosport

Where: Osweiler, Luxembourg

What: Culture

When: 2013-2017

Status: Built

Ecology: Solar and geothermal energy supply

Design Team: Daniel Grünkranz, Panajota Panotopoulou

Structural Engineering: Schroeder & Associés SA

Building Physics: Siegel Schleimer Ingénieurs-conseils s.à r.l

Photos: Serge Ecker

Awards: Bauhärepräis OAI 2020, Prix Spécial Courage maître d’ouvrage

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